To a good woman...
In authentic Western, cowboy culture you will find a universal truth; a law of the land so to speak. Any good cowboy worth his salt held women in very high regard. Most working cowboys will tip their hat to a lady and treat her with the utmost respect. If you are fortunate enough to be involved with a working cow ranch or any operation in the West that involves horses or livestock, you will find at the core of that operation a good woman or "women". The Briggs kids had the good fortune of having a mother who was and is, the embodiment of meekness and virtue. . . . . . intelligence and beauty. Supporting and loving her family was her life. There are no words adequate to describe her devotion or the amount of hard work she provided to her husband and children in their western lifestyle. She was so excited about our Real West Chronicles project. She worked hard to provide us with pictures and answers to questions . . . . . . right up until the day that she left this mortal life March 1, 2019. We love you dear mother - so much more than words can tell. To you we dedicate this website and REAL WEST CHRONICLES . . . . in tribute for all of the support and love you provided for our family. These stories are your story - a "Genuine" woman of the West.